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Matte Wall Sealer


Portola’s Matte Wall Sealer is designed specifically for use with our Lime Wash specialty finish that adds a clear protective coating over the finish.

This product is zero VOC formulated with ingredients that screen out the destructive ultra violet rays and allow the surface to be more wipeable.


Digital swatches are a rough estimation of color - purchasing sample jars or sample chip sets are the best way to see actual colors.

Our paints and pigments consist of natural ingredients - there can be slight variation between batches


Product Information

Data Sheets available upon request via email

Portola’s Matte Wall Sealer was designed to give our Lime Wash specialty finish a protective coating.

This non toxic, non-yellowing matte finish helps create a durable protective finish that dries clear and will not yellow over time.

We recommend testing the sealer on all colors as results can vary. This sealer is not recommended on medium-dark colors as the sealer can add a milky haze over the more pigmented colors.

**The Matte Wall Sealer is a water based sealer and was not designed to be waterproof or prevent oils or grease from staining.**

Portola's Matte Wall Sealer should be used when a protective coating is needed. This protective coating will leave a slight sheen similar to an traditional eggshell coating.

It is recommended for use in high traffic areas such as hallways, bathrooms,etc.

It is always recommended to sample the Matte Wall Sealer to ensure you get the desired finish. We do not recommend using the Matte Wall Sealer on darker more pigmented colors as it could create cloudiness in the finish.

These square footage estimates are based on the average for one coat of coverage.

  • 1 Quart (~75 sq ft)
  • 1 Gallon (~300 sq ft)
  • 5 gallon (~1500 sq ft)

Need assistance calculating your square footage? Click here

Application for Portola's Matte Wall Sealer should only be applied after the application of the Lime Wash Specialty Finish.

Ensure that the Lime Wash finish is free of any debris and has dried thoroughly, at least overnight, before applying the Matte Wall Sealer.

**It is always recommended to test the sealer before application as it can leave a milky residue on medium to dark colors**

Applying our Matte Wall Sealer

  • Portola’s Matte Wall Sealer should be applied in the same fashion as the Lime Wash finish.
  • It should be applied using the same 4-6 inch block/stain brush and should never be rolled or sprayed on.
  • We recommend adding 6-8 ounces of water per gallon to help with the adhesion to the Lime Wash finish as well as reduce the added sheen.
  • We recommend testing the sealer on all colors as results can vary. Not recommended on medium-dark colors as the sealer can add a milky haze over the more pigmented colors.
  • Never apply any adhesive tape over the Matte Wall Sealer once applied as it can pull and remove the protective coat.

**The Matte Wall Sealer is a water based sealer and was not designed to be waterproof or prevent oils or grease from staining.**

If it is sealed using our Matte Wall Sealer, a damp rag can be used to wipe it down. Avoid heavy scrubbing as well as using harsh cleaning agents. 

Touch-ups can be difficult and we recommend contacting our support team for the best advice before attempting any touch ups.

Never apply any adhesive tape over the Matte Wall Sealer once applied as it can pull and remove the protective coat.

Make sure you properly seal your can when finished between coats and once you are completed with your application. Please make sure you store the can in a cool area out of direct sunlight.

Store and keep out of reach of children. As with all paints it is important to protect yourself by wearing protective eye wear and masks during preparatory work such as scraping and sanding. During application, use protective eye wear as it can irritate the eyes.